July 19, 2003

The meeting of the West Galveston Island Property Owners Association was held on The meeting of the West Galveston Island Property Owners Association was held on July 19, 2003. Sidney McClendon, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. Directors in attendance were: Al Birdwell – Bermuda Beach, Wanda Greer– Terramar, Peggy Rapp of the Condos, Marty Baker – Pirates POA, Jim Steinbeck – JBIC, Boyd Carr and Sidney McClendon. Susan Gonzales from C.K.M. Property Management, Inc. was also present.

Sidney McClendon acknowledged local officials including Council Members Lynda Ann Thomas and Dianna Puccetti, John Brick and John Noah from City of Jamaica Beach, Wendy O’Donahoe & Elliott Jennings – Emergency Management, Steve LeBlanc – City Manager and Clyde Batten with the Galveston County Sheriffs Department.

The June minutes had been reviewed by e-mail. Motion by Al Birdwell and second by Peggy Rapp; the Board approved the June minutes.

FINANCIAL REPORT – Al Birdwell, Treasurer stated that there is $23,000 cash in the bank. $1500 was collected in membership fees this last month. Motion by Al Birdwell and second by Jim Steinbeck; the Board approved the financial report.

CEPRA II – Wendy held a meeting last week, they have the final design and need a sign off on location of sand, and the construction is to start in October. The amount of sand and placement may change due to the storm.

BEACH ACCESS PLAN - the plan is being reevaluated; type of access is being reviewed. At this time they are not proceeding with the plan and it is on hold.


  1. HB 1457/SB 554 - Moratorium Bill – passed, Jerry Patterson was very helpful in its passing.
  2. Amendment of Open Beaches Act – this allows the construction of GEOTUBE® containment systems
  3. HB 1454:  "Property Code 204.002" Restriction Amendment passed – requires 75% of members vote to approve an amendment. One document to amend all restrictions, which have multiple Sections with multiple documents.
  4. HB 1456/SB 710 - CEPRA Match, Coastal Protection & Improvement Bill – State to meet local match on lending funds, Federal Government did not pass

NEW FUEL DEPOT – Steve LeBlanc stated that the fuel depot is now in full operation.

HUNTING ON THE WEST END - Diana Puccetti stated that they are looking at an old Ordinance concerning hunting. They will look at changing to band hunting in populated areas.

CRUSHED GLASS - Discussion was held on the use of crushed glass on the beach, although the concept is good it still needs a lot of testing before implementation. The glass can be made as fine as sand or as large as a marble.

TEXAS COASTAL 20-20 VISION – The General Land Office and the Coastal Coordinating Council have presented in a meeting their goal to try to identify what the coastal counties really want the coast to be like and then plan accordingly. They will target two to three counties from the coast. They are trying to determine what to do and to arouse a greater public interest. They will be telling people what we are doing, objectives and then inform people and begin to form committees. Documents stating scope of goals will be completed in the Fall. They also plan to seek State and Federal Funding.

DELEHIDE COVE - the project has been started. They will extend the Geotube from Galveston Island Park to Starvation Cove and will restore the marshland.

Al Birdwell asked if there was a Study of the effectiveness of the Geotube on Galveston Islands and Bolivar. This will be included in Galveston Counties responsibility of its monitoring. Diana Puccetti stated that their assessment would include performance of the containment system. The survival of the containment system has been established from the storm experience.

FEMA applications – can go for funding under premise of prevention of future damage, cannot do it under CEPRA. Steve Leblanc stated that permitting is needed. Wendy and John Brick stated that the office will be open Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to help in doing permits.

Owners may secure their property but may not do repairs without a permit. Field inspections are made on permit applications. For homes standing on Sand – emergency rule allows sand replacement under the home. Emergency permit or standard permit. Call Fema if you have had damage and need assistance. Dune restoration does not fall under the emergency rule. They are only dealing with immediate threat to life or home – issuing permits.

Elliot Jennings, Emergency Management Coordinator for Galveston, stated what you need to do right now is let FEMA know what has occurred. At this time the Presidential declaration does not include Galveston County. Everyone who has had damage needs to notify FEMA. No matter how minor the damage is call FEMA. The volume of calls received from property owners in Galveston County may have an affect on the declaration.

Motion by Sidney McClendon, second by Marty Baker, the Board approved to spend up to $1500 to place an ad in the Galveston Daily News stating that if an owners suffered damage from the storm to call FEMA. Susan will get information to the Galveston News, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Daily News and the Islander.

Galveston County cannot be declared a National Disaster area without your help. If you sustained damage from Hurricane Josephine, no matter how minor call FEMA. The number of calls will effect the Presidential declaration of naming Galveston County as a National Disaster area. Call today FEMA 1-800-621-3362.

Catherine Yeargan, US Fish and Wildlife made a presentation on the Sea Turtle visiting The West End. The nestling Turtle eggs were removed and have hatched and have been released. A slide presentation was made. The slow moving turtle halted the massive $2 million sand nourishment project that was to take place in July. A Kemp Ridley turtle nested on top of the dunes in Pirates Beach and laid 94 eggs and went back to the Gulf. The eggs were gathered by the local turtle facility and taken to the hatchery area in Padre Island near Corpus Christi. The turtle-nesting season is March through the end of October. The sand replenishment will resume at the end of October. "If you build it (Geotube/dunes), they will come" – We are very pleased to have the turtles nesting in our dunes.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned.