WGIPOA Meeting 5/17/14

To:  West Galveston Island Property Owners Association Members and Friends

MINUTES:  The minutes of our last meeting, April 19, 2014, are on our website, http://www.wgipoa.com/tx/meeting-minutes/2014-meeting-minutes/

MEETING:  The next meeting will be on Saturday, May 17, beginning at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and coffee and 9:00 AM at the new Marriott Courtyard Galveston Island Gulf Front located at 9550 Seawall Blvd.

Please note we are at the new Marriott Courtyard on the Seawall for this meeting.

Program: Its property tax appraisal time when residents are notified of their 2014 appraised value.  Property values have been increasing and we are pleased to have Cheryl Johnson, Galveston County Tax Assessor/Collector to address the west end in how to protest your taxes.  Cheryl has been successful in helping property owners protest their appraisals and she is always a popular speaker on this subject.  You will learn so much so please come and be encouraged with Cheryl’s discussion.  The Appraisal Review Board begins hearings on May 14 so Cheryl’s presentation is just in time to help property owners protest their appraisal.

Sea Turtles:  The HEART (Help Endangered Animals – Ridley Turtles) organization needs your help to protect the endangered Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle.  Visit the website: http://www.ridleyturtles.org/

A new organization is in Galveston called the Sea Turtle Restoration Project (STRP) located at 2228 Broadway and the website is: http://www.seaturtles.org/

Upcoming Events: 

Ongoing:  Join the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) and automatically become a member of the Texas Chapter.  See www.asbpa.org and www.texasasbpa.orgfor details.

September 24 – 26, 2014,  FSBPA Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, Bonita Springs, Florida. Check: http://www.fsbpa.com/annual-conference.html

October 14 – 17, 2014, ASBPA National Coastal Conference: Oct. 14-17 Sheraton Virginia Beach Oceanfront, Virginia Beach, VA check www.asbpa.org

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday May 17, 2014at the Marriott Courtyard on the Seawall, starting at 8:30 with breakfast burritos and coffee and at 9:00 AM for the meeting.

Jerry Mohn
