MINUTES: The minutes of the last WGIPOA meeting on April 16, 2016, is on our website, http://www.wgipoa.com/tx/meeting-minutes/2016-meeting-minutes/.
MEETING: The next meeting will be on May 21, 2016, at the Courtyard by Marriott, 9550 Seawall Blvd., starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting starting at 9:00 AM
PROGRAM: Due to a family medical emergency, City Manager Brian Maxwell had to cancel his presentation this Saturday.
We are pleased to have Dr. Scott Weaver, Director of the UTMB Institute for Human Infections and Immunity and the Scientific Director of the Galveston National Laboratory. The presentation will be the “Zika Virus and the Risk to the Gulf Coast”. Dr. Weaver is one of the foremost medical experts on the Zika virus and has studied the beginning when it first surfaced. I have heard the presentation and it is just outstanding and you have to hear how the Zika virus spread from Brazil to Central America, the Caribbean, and now the United States. The Zika virus could have an impact on the Olympics in Brazil later this year. This is a must attend and hear presentation, you will not regret it.
Please see the attached agenda for the meeting.
Upcoming Events:
Ongoing: Join the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) and automatically become a member of the Texas Chapter. See www.asbpa.org and www.texasasbpa.org for details.
June 21-23, 2016, “From Sail to Satellite: Delivering Solutions for Tomorrow’s MTS,” Washington, DC. Details at:
Sept. 14-16 2016: FSBPA Annual Conference at the Naples Grande, Naples, FL. Details at www.fsbpa.com
Oct. 25-28, 2016: ASBPA’s National Coastal Conference, Ocean Place Resort, Long Branch, NJ. See details at: www.asbpa.org
December 10-15, 2016: Restore Americas Estuaries and the Coastal Society present 2016 Summit: Our Future, Our Choice, at the Hilton Riverside Hotel, New Orleans, La: see https://www.estuaries.org/Summit
Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday May 21, 2016, at the Courtyard by Marriott, starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting to follow at 9:00 AM.
Jerry Mohn