MINUTES: The minutes of the last WGIPOA meeting of February 25 will be on our website later today at on our meeting minutes page.
MEETING: The next meeting will be on March 18, 2017, at the Galveston Country Club, 14228 Stewart Road, starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting starting at 9:00 AM
PROGRAM: The West Galveston Island Property Owners Association is pleased to have Victoria Herrin from Houston Wilderness to present the proposed Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area (see: http://www.lonestarcoastal.org/ ), which is a designation given by Congress to land and water with significant outdoor recreation potential. Information from the website indicates that National Recreation Areas are highly regarded and enjoy an enhanced stature among the universe of recreational designations. They are chosen because of unique recreational potential and are recognized and valued by tourists from around the world. The Parks designated as National Recreation Areas are an especially good fit for Texas because they allow for significant local participation and control. The proposed Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area would include sites spanning four coastal counties: Matagorda, Brazoria, Galveston, and Chambers. It would be built around a core of existing sites through coordination and cooperation by public, private, and nonprofit landowners. Victoria will go into more detail about the proposed Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area.
ANNUAL MEETING: This will also be the WGIPOA annual meeting where directors whose terms expired will be up for re-election. At the end of the meeting the Board will elect officers for the coming year, which is now going on 18 years.
AGENDA: Please see the attached agenda for the meeting.
Upcoming Events:
Ongoing: Join the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) and automatically become a member of the Texas Chapter. See www.asbpa.org and www.texasasbpa.org for details.
May 23-24, 2017: Headwaters to Ocean Conference, University of California, Irvine, Abstracts due on Feb. 24. Submit abstract at cgi?-db=H2O&-loadframes.com
Sept. 27-29, 2017: FSBPA Annual Conference, Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Details at www.fsbpa.com
Oct. 24-27, 2017: ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Fort Lauderdale-Broward County Convention Center. Details to come at www.asbpa.org
Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday March 18, 2017, at the Galveston Country Club, starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting to follow at 9:00 AM.
Jerry Mohn