Hurricane Meeting 6/21/14

To:  West Galveston Island Property Owners Association Members and Friends

Hurricane Season is here so you need to be prepared and to know what is necessary for the evacuation and recovery process.  Although the last major hurricane occurred almost 6 years ago, it’s just a matter of time before the next one strikes and we always need to be prepared.

So please join us this Saturday, June 21, for our annual meeting with the City of Jamaica Beach on Hurricane Preparedness, Evacuation, & Recovery, at the Jamaica Beach Public Service Building, 16628 San Luis Pass Road, beginning at 9:45AM for visiting the booths and 10:00 AM for the meeting.

Please see the attached agenda for the meeting via this link.  We have great speakers and lots of information will be available.  This meeting is always popular and well attended so come hear from the experts in preparing, evacuating, and recovering the West End of Galveston Island from a storm event.

We hope to see you this Saturday at the Jamaica Beach Public Service Building, starting at 9:45 to visit the booths and 10:00 AM for the various presentations.  Food and soft drinks will be served at noon.

Jerry Mohn