MINUTES: The minutes of the last WGIPOA meeting on March 19, 2016, is on our website shortly.
MEETING: The next meeting will be on April 16, 2016, at the Galveston Country Club, 14228 Stewart Road, starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting starting at 9:00 AM
PROGRAM: We are pleased to have back of our the west end’s favorite presenters, Cheryl Johnson, Tax Assessor/Collector for Galveston County. She always brings enthusiasm and great ways to save on your property taxes. Her presentation title is “Appraisal Notices Are On The Way – A Good Real Estate Market Promises Big Value Increases!”
She has updated the spread sheets and information to be a bit more concise and to better aid with the new chief appraiser and his staff’s philosophies. She has “sharpened the protest saw”. It is a must come and hear meeting from a pro resident fighting increases in property taxes.
Please see the attached agenda and you will agree we have plans for a great meeting especially to learn from Cheryl how to cut your property taxes.
Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday April 16, 2016, at the Galveston Country Club, starting at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and the meeting to follow at 9:00 AM.
Jerry Mohn