Category Archives: Latest News

WGIPOA Meeting 9/17/16 Update

MINUTES:  The minutes of the August 20, 2016, meeting are on our website.

MEETING:  The next meeting will be on September 17,  2016, at the Galveston Country Club, 14228 Stewart Road ,starting at 8:30 AM for a full breakfast buffet and the meeting starting at 9:00 AM.

Please note this is a full breakfast buffet that starts at 8:30 AM so come hungry!!

PROGRAM:  Michael Ruiz, Sales Executive for the Galveston Insurance Associates, will present “What type of insurance does your property owner/condominium association need?” Michael will discuss what is covered, what is not covered, and how premiums are determined for each policy.  In addition, he will review insurance for General Liability, Property, Directors & Officers, Crime, and Workers Compensation.

We encourage property owner associations and all their board members to please attend this very important meeting to hear and learn about the types of insurance that is necessary to effectively operate.  If your property owner association does not have at least Directors and Officers and Liability insurance, you could have potential legal problems since we live in a litigious society and it does not take much for someone to file a law suit.  Please attend this meeting.

Michael Ruiz has submitted the following outline of what will be presented:

–        General Liability Insurance

o   Legal obligations of the associations

o   Liquor liability

o   Hiring subcontractors

o   In the event of a claim…what to do

–        Property

o   Types of policies available

o   How to choose which one suites your association

o   Claim payments

–        Directors & Officers

o   Who’s covered and why

o   How are claims paid

–        Crime

o   What is covered

–        Workers Compensation

o   How coverage is attainable

o   Who’s covered

o   Benefits available

Please see the agenda and you will agree we plan for a great meeting.

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday September 17, 2016, at the Galveston Country Club,starting at 8:30 AM for a FULL BREAKFAST BUFFET and the meeting to follow at 9:00 AM.

Jerry Mohn