Category Archives: Latest News

WGIPOA Meeting 8/20/16

MEETING:  The next meeting will be on August 20, 2016, at the Galveston Country Club, 14228 Stewart Road , starting at 8:30 AM  for breakfast burritos and the meeting starting at 9:00 AM.

PROGRAM:  We are pleased to have Cherie O’Brien, Coastal Ecologist for Texas Parks & Wildlife, to present the “West Galveston Island Entrance Channel Dredging and Marsh Restoration Project”.  This project involves 10 bay subdivisions on the west end and about seven miles of project area in the bay.  The group met many times and the WGIPOA submitted for engineering funds from the RESTORE Act (Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill).  Cherie has been so successful with the TPW in obtaining funds from federal agencies for various marsh restoration projects on the west end and she has spearheaded this project from the beginning.

Galveston Beach Band Concerts:  This is Americana at its best! Free concerts every Tuesday through August 16 at the Sealy Gazebo, 24th and Sealy Avenue.  The City of Galveston has sponsored these concerts since 1928 and conductor Frank Incaprera returns for his 54th season to lead 23 musicians and a singer in these free 90 minute performances. Continue reading WGIPOA Meeting 8/20/16