Category Archives: Latest News

WGIPOA Meeting 3/21/15 Agenda

MEETING:  The next meeting will be on March 21, beginning at 8:30 AM for breakfast burritos and coffee and 9:00 AM for the meeting at the Galveston Country Club, 14228 Stewart Road. This will be our annual meeting with election of Directors and Officers and this time a revision in our By-Laws.

PROGRAM:  The Galveston Police Department will be our program with the Police Chief, Henry Porretto, giving a state of the department address, an update of Galveston activities, Community Policing, patrolling the West End, and the award winning “Protect with Respect Program”.  The WGIPOA is very supportive of the police department and the work they do for the west end.  This presentation is always a very popular event for our meetings and you will really enjoy it so please come and bring your members, neighbors, and friends.

Besides a great program with the Galveston Police Department, we also will have:

  • Brenda Lee about the 1% to conserve Galveston program
  • Capt. Robert Webster from TAMUG to announce the Sargassum Symposium here in Galveston
  • GARM report by Sgt. Joel Caldwell
  • WGIPOA Newsletter by Peggy Zahler
  • Special presentation to Karla Klay of Artist Boat for the “Coastal Heritage Preserve”
  • District 6 Happenings with City Council Member Carolyn Sunseri

See the agenda via this link and you will agree we have a great program. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Saturday March 21, 2015, at the Galveston Country Club, starting at 8:30 with breakfast burritos and coffee and at 9:00 AM for the meeting.

Jerry Mohn