The Galveston Westender Newsletter – Vol 1 Issue 2

We have another exciting edition of the The Galveston Westender Newsletter.

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In addition to interesting articles and pictures, it includes many links to relevant websites.

Articles in this issue include:
•    “2011 Hurricane Season An Expert’s Warning!” by Frank Billingsley, Chief Meteorologist, KPRC Local 2
•    “Summer – The Calm before the Tax Bill!” by Cheryl Johnson , RTA Galveston Tax Collector-Assessor
•    “Endangered Kemp’s Ridley Turtles Visit West Galveston Island” and “UPDATE! Funding for Galveston’s Turtle Recovery Program to End in 2012” by Lee Slataper
•    “Do You Know?”
•    “Laffite’s Cove Nature Preserve” by the Laffite’s Cove Nature Society
•    “Summertime is HOT for Fishing!” by Captain Mike Cacciotti of Mike Fishing Service
•    “The Real Estate Report” by Kelly Kelley, Broker Associate, Prudential Gary Green, Realtors
•    “Local Business Spotlight: JSC Federal Credit Union Gives Back to Galveston Area Schools”
•    “Trash or Treasure?” by Dr. Tom Linton, Marine Sciences, Texas A&M University at Galveston
•    “See It – Say It” by Lt. Henry Porretto, City of Galveston Police Department
•    “Don’t Kill the Texas Coast” by Otie Zapp, Chairman, Galveston Windstorm Action Committee, Inc.
•    “Galveston Island State Park – Back Better Than Ever!” by Trey Goodman, Park Superintendent
•    “Galveston Island Beach Patrol and the West End” by Peter Davis, Chief, Galveston Island Beach Patrol/Park Board Police Department
•    2nd Quarter 2011 WGIPOA Meetings in Review

If you are not already receiving the newsletter via email directly, please sign up on the website. We encourage you to submit ideas for articles as well as photographs which you believe would enhance our newsletter. We do not distribute your email information to solicitors.

The newsletter articles can also be seen on the website at

Best Regards,
The GalvestonWestender Staff

Galveston, Texas