WGIPOA Meeting 10/17/20

Please join us for our next WGIPOA meeting on Saturday, October 17, starting at 9:00 AM  via “Zoom”.

We are pleased to have the following presenters at our meeting:

  • Main speaker Chief of the Galveston Police Department, Vernon Hale.
  • Lt. Joel Caldwell of the Galveston Police Department to talk about GARM (Galveston Association of Rental Managers), one of the WGIPOA corporate sponsors, and his Animal Services Department responsibilities.
  • We will also hear from Ed Jackson the developer of the proposed construction of a substance abuse facility for women, which will be called “Serenity Isle of Galveston”, located at 8 Mile Road and Stewart Road.

Meeting Agenda

For the foreseeable future and for the safety of our members and friends, we will continue to have “Zoom” meetings until the corona virus pandemic is under control.

Please mark your calendar for the October 17 “Zoom” virtual meeting with instructions below.


Jerry Mohn


Jerry Mohn is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Oct 17, 2020 09:00AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 896 6494 7987
Passcode: 512273
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