The Galveston Westender Newsletter – Vol 2 Issue 2

We have another exciting edition of the The GalvestonWestender Newsletter.

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In addition to interesting articles and pictures, it includes many links to relevant websites.

Articles in this issue include:
•    “What’s After the Run-Off? City Council To Tackle Budget” by  Michael Kovacs, Galveston City Manager
•    “Budget Woes for Next Session” by State Representative Craig Eiland
•    “Civic Responsibility & Freedom” by Cheryl Johnson, RTA Galveston Tax Collector-Assessor and Voter Registrar.
•    “Angleton student wins art competition for 14th Congressional District, earns a trip and scholarship” from the Office of Congressman Ron Paul
•    “District 6” by Marie Robb, City of Galveston District 6 Councilwoman
•    “UTMB New Concourse Will Blend Aesthetics with Storm Precautions”by  James Barrett, UTMB Public Affairs
•    “GLO Coastal Expo Educates and Entertains Thousands!” by  Helen S. Young, MBA, Deputy Commissioner, Coastal Resources, Texas General Land Office
•    “Ike…A Reminder” by Seth Courtad, 4th Grade Student, Ambassadors Preparatory Academy
•    “A Hurricane Season Quiz” Courtesy of ASBPA – American Shore & Beach Preservation Association
•    “2012 Hurricane Season” by  Rhonda Cummins, Texas Chapter Board Director from Calhoun County, ASBPA
•    “MARK YOUR CALENDAR – TWIA Windstorm Meeting Tuesday, 8:00 am, August 7, 2012, Moody Gardens Hotel, Galveston” by Lee Otis “Otie” Zapp, Jr., Chair,
•    “Sea Turtles Getting A Lot of Attention for Galveston” by Carole H. Allen, Gulf Office Director,Sea Turtle Restoration Project and HEART (Help Endangered Animals-Ridley Turtles)
•    “The Magnificent Frigatebird” by Jim Stevenson, Editor, Gulls n’ Herons Magazine
•    “Real Estate is Local” by Kelly Kelley, Broker Associate, Prudential Gary Green, Realtors
•    “Make it Safe!!!” by Henry Porretto, Chief of Police
•    “Tagged for the Taking: Sixty STAR Quality Redfish in the Water” by  Gina Rice, Coastal Conservation Association
•    “Galveston Park Board to Discontinue Voluntary Seaweed Maintenance on West End Residential Beaches” Forwarded by Kelly de Schaun, Executive Directory, Galveston Island Park Board of Trustees
•    “The West End and Water Safety” by Peter Davis, Chief, Galveston Island Beach Patrol/Park Board Police Department
•    “WGIPOA Meetings in Review

Mark you Calenders for Upcoming Events of Interest:
•    Jul 04   Parade (7:30pm – 28th-53rd & Seawall)
•    Jul 04   Fireworks (9:15pm – 37th & Seawall)
•    Jul 21  WGIPOA Meeting – Kelly DeSchaun & Dr Craig Brown, Galveston Parks Board (9am Galveston Country Club)
•    Jul 31  Primary Elections Run-off
•    Aug 07  TWIA Windstorm Meeting (8am Moody Gardens)
•    Aug 17  WGIPOA Meeting – Helen Young, GLO Deputy Commissioner of Coastal Resources (9am Galveston Country Club)
•    Sep 03 Labor Day
•    Sep 18  WGIPOA Meeting (9am Galveston Country Club)
•    Oct 13-14  Bike Around the Bay
•    Oct 20  WGIPOA Meeting – Jerry Patterson, GLO Commissioner (9am Galveston Country Club)

If you are not already receiving the newsletter via email directly, please sign up on the website
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Best Regards,
The GalvestonWestender Staff

Galveston, Texas